Laughing Gas Treatment in Springfield, MO

Laughing Gas Treatment in Springfield, MO

Many people remain fearful about their dental visits. The sound of dental instruments, a prior bad experience, swelling, lengthy procedures, and discomfort may cause you some anxiety. Fear not; we can provide you nitrous oxide and ensure that the procedure is carried out smoothly while making you feel comfortable.

Nitrous oxide, or laughing gas, is a safe and effective sedative agent used at our office to make you feel more comfortable during dental procedures.

It does not put you to sleep. You can hear us and respond to our requests and directions. You may also breathe normally with your nose. Nitrous oxide and oxygen are mixed together for you to breathe through your nose. You will start feeling the effects of the gas almost immediately.

What Does Laughing Gas Do?

Laughing gas does not make you laugh. It works by slowing down your nervous system, thereby making you feel less inhibited. You may feel tingling in your arms and legs, and you may feel light-headed. You may also feel a little heaviness in your arms and legs a few minutes after inhaling the gas.

The effects of laughing gas make you calm and comfortable throughout the procedure. Expect some relaxation and rest throughout your appointment.

What Are the Benefits of Laughing Gas?

This form of sedation is a safe and effective method to reduce your fear and anxiety concerning your dental treatment. Laughing gas works on your body and makes you feel relaxed within minutes. At the same time, its effects wear off quickly. After the procedure, we let you breathe pure oxygen through a mask to curtail the effects of nitrous oxide, removing it from your system

What Are the Uses of Laughing Gas?

  • Laughing gas is a good form of sedation for patients who are anxious, fearful, or uncooperative during their treatment.
  • Patients with special health care requirements are also suited for this type of sedation.
  • We may sedate you with laughing gas if you suffer from a high gag reflex.
  • Laughing gas is also suitable for younger patients who have to go through extensive dental procedures.

Can Children Inhale It?

The use of laughing gas is safe and effective for children. They may feel a little warming and tingling sensation after inhaling the gas. In children, the use of laughing gas speeds up lengthy procedures.

Please reach out to iTooth in Springfield, MO, to have a consultation with our dentists, Dr. Robbins or Dr. Fincel. Call Dentist Springfield MO at (417) 883-8515 or schedule an online consultation, and we’ll guide you further.


1427 West State Hwy J, Ozark, MO 65721

Office Hours

MON - THU 8:00 am - 4:00 pm

FRI - SUN Closed

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Phone: (417) 883-8515