Tips for Surviving Teething

Tips for Surviving Teething

Posted by Doctor


on Nov 22 2021, 05:12 AM

Tips for Surviving Teething
Teething signs are hard to miss! When babies start teething, they tend to be fussier during the day and endure many sleepless nights. Learn what to expect during this stage of development and how to keep your baby as comfortable as possible. 

Babies are born with all 20 of their baby teeth below their gum line. The teeth typically start to erupt around 6-12 months, and most children will have all their baby teeth showing by age 3. Sometimes it can be difficult to tell what is causing your baby's discomfort since they cannot directly tell you. However, there are a few key symptoms that indicate that their teeth are starting to come in. 

Teething Symptoms: 
  • Drooling 
  • Appetite loss
  • Fussiness
  • Difficulty sleeping 
  • Irritability 

If your child starts to experience a fever, diarrhea, or a rash while teething and continues to show signs of discomfort, schedule an appointment with their pediatrician 

When baby teeth start erupting, the gums become sore and tender. If your baby is uncomfortable, there are a few home remedies that can help alleviate their symptoms. 

Massage the Gums: Use either a clean finger or damp gauze to gently massage your baby’s gums. Applying pressure to sore gums helps relieve discomfort. 

Keep the Gums Cool: Just like icing a new injury, keeping the gums cold can also provide relief to your teething baby. Softly rub a cold, clean spoon over their gums. Be sure the spoon is only cool to the touch and never frozen. 

Teethers: There are specific toys made specifically for teething. Be aware of what materials are in your child's teether. Even if the product says it is a teether on the packaging, that does not guarantee the teether is safe. Purchase teething toys made of solid rubber and avoid any liquid-filled teething rings or plastic toys that could easily break. Make sure the teething toy is clean and sanitized before giving it to your baby. 

Keep Baby Safe During Teething

The FDA strongly recommends that benzocaine, a topical anesthetic applied to the oral cavity, should not be used on any child younger than two years old. Benzocaine carries a significant health risk and provides very little relief for teething. The FDA also strongly discourages the use of homeopathic teething tablets since lab testing has indicated inconsistent amounts of the toxic substance belladonna. 

Teething won't last forever. Keeping your child comfortable while their teeth come in is the best way to get through teething. Remember to bring your child to the dentist by their first birthday or when their first tooth comes in, whichever one comes first! We can ensure their smile is healthy and developing well. 
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