Anxiolysis/anxiolytics in Springfield, MO

Anxiolysis/anxiolytics in Springfield, MO

Dental anxiety and phobia are significant reasons for most individuals avoiding dental treatment. Modern dentistry offers various measures for patients to relieve their fear of the dental chair, and axiolysis is one of those solutions. At iTooth, we provide options to make your experience relaxed and comfortable.

What Is Anxiolysis?

Anxiolysis uses medication to help patients relieve stress and pain during dental procedures. It involves using medication to alleviate anxiety and make the patient feel more comfortable, whether a standard tooth cleaning procedure or an extensive invasive procedure.

    Candidates for Anxiolysis

    Anxiolysis is most suitable for:

    • Patients who have a low pain tolerance
    • Patients having a difficult time sitting still in the dental chair
    • Patients needing prolonged dental work

    Benefits of Anxiolysis

    • Sedation works quickly, and the patient feels minimal or no pain during the ongoing dental procedure.
    • If a patient requires multiple procedures, they can be performed in a single appointment.

    Types of Anxiolysis

    Nitrous Oxide or Laughing Gas

    Laughing gas is most commonly used to relax anxious patients during dental procedures. Its effects are very mild and show results within thirty seconds after the patient starts breathing in the nitrous oxide. 

    Oral Anxiolytics

    Oral anxiolytics requires taking a prescribed, single dose of medication by the patient the night before treatment and one hour before the commencement of the dental procedure. The sedative leaves the patient relaxed but responsive during the procedure. Oral sedation is ideal for patients with high dental anxiety. 

    General Anesthesia

    General anesthesia is relatively uncommon and given only to patients who need prolonged oral surgery but are resistant to other sedation methods.  We will refer you to an oral surgeon if general anesthesia is required.  

    To learn more about our anxiolysis options, visit our office, iTooth Family Dentistry, at 3211 E Battlefield Rd #100, Springfield, MO 65804. You can also reach Dentist Springfield MO at (417) 883-8515 and schedule an appointment.


    1427 West State Hwy J, Ozark, MO 65721

    Office Hours

    MON - THU 8:00 am - 4:00 pm

    FRI - SUN Closed

    Get in Touch


    Phone: (417) 883-8515